Anti-harassment policy and procedures



This anti-harassment policy outlines the framework to manage harassment incidents to ensure a safe and conducive environment for all members of the University of the Arts Singapore Ltd (UAS).

This policy applies to all staff members of the University, including part-time and temporary appointments. It applies to all University programmes and activities, regardless of whether the harassment occurs on or off the University premises or occasions such as business trips and conferences.

Reporting of harassment

Harassment refers to a course of conduct or any conduct by a person which is directed at another person that would reasonably cause discomfort, worry, alarm, distress or fear to that other person having regard to the circumstances that has the effect of creating an unfavourable or hostile working or learning environment.

Harassment may also involve the usage of threatening, abusive or insulting language, comments or other non-verbal gestures. It can be expressed through any form of contact or communication, including telecommunication (e.g. telephone, text messaging), electronic channels (e.g. social media, email, online platforms), directly or through third parties.

Harassment can take different forms, including but not limited to bullying, stalking, and sexual harassment.

UAS maintains a zero-tolerance policy towards harassment and will manage any report in a timely manner. A complainant can lodge a formal report by submitting the Harassment Complaint Form to the Vice-Chancellor/ Chief Operating Officer or the Human Resources (HR) division via the designated email channel:

The complainant will be required to indicate his/her name in the form as in most instances the University will not be able to act upon an anonymous report effectively. Anonymous reports may still be considered based on the seriousness and credibility of the issues raised, and the likelihood of confirming the allegation from attributable sources and information provided.

Investigation process

All reports will be evaluated to determine whether further investigation is needed, taking into consideration the quality/ reliability of information, level of sensitivity and severity of the concern etc.

Based on the initial inquiries conducted, if further investigation is required, an independent panel of inquiry with at least three members will be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor/ Chief Operating Officer, as applicable. The composition of the panel will consist of members from Senior Management and/or other relevant divisions, depending on the nature of the complaint raised (i.e. whether it involves student, staff or the public). It will not involve any member who is involved or implicated in the report.

Where there is sufficient basis after investigation to show that a staff member has committed an act of harassment, disciplinary proceedings may be initiated against him/her. This may lead to disciplinary actions being taken against him/her, which may include dismissal.

Confidentiality and protection of complainant

All reports will be treated with the utmost confidence. Every effort will be made not to reveal the identity of the complainant, to the extent feasible and permissible under the law.

Allegations must be made in good faith. Disciplinary action may be taken against UAS staff members who make any frivolous, vexatious or malicious allegation.

If a complainant has sufficient grounds to believe that he/she is being unfairly treated as a result of having made such a report, he/she may submit, in writing, a complaint to the HR division. The complaint should include details of the unfair treatment, as well as reference to the report that resulted in the unfair treatment.

The University will provide help and support to staff members affected by harassment. This includes resources for counselling services and making alternative workplace arrangements, if necessary, to ensure a safe environment for the victim.