Career Skills module

fluid imprints, John Marie Mabale Andrada, LASALLE

Ignite your creativity amid spirited student life, feel the support of our dedicated, distinguished faculty and learn from renowned international artists – all in the throbbing heartbeat of Singapore’s historic arts and civic district.



The UAS career curriculum is designed to empower BA (Hons) students to take ownership of their own internship and job searches. Key elements include identifying learner strengths and assets, and conveying them as unique value statements across all career search mediums. Learners will also study professionalism in the modern workplace and how the right mindset is critical for success in securing jobs as well as building one’s career. A third theme is communication, based on industry feedback for improved writing and presentation skills.

The curriculum emphasises career development over short-term job opportunities. Students will learn how to plan their career development and use their interpersonal skills to best effect.

The first-year workshops are designed to be delivered in the first year of instruction; for 3-year students, this will be in year one, for transfer students in year 2. The second-year workshops are designed to be started only after the first-year workshops have been completed. Three bootcamps, modelled on the three most common paths learners of the arts and design pursue, provide specialised modules to further prepare students for their careers. The bootcamps are optional. Several electives are also available to all learners for those who want more specific content.

Learning outcomes


In the first-year career curriculum, students delve into self-reflection to explore their skills and attributes. They learn to articulate these descriptors to create a cohesive set of professional "brand" identifiers for their job search journey. Additionally, students gain insights into the hiring process and cultivate the mindset necessary for successful internship or job searches. They also acquire skills in researching companies that align with their values through various online resources such as company websites, annual reports, press releases, and LinkedIn connections.

101: Personal Branding Strategy
102: Growth Mindset
103: Career Planning
104: LinkedIn Workshop
105: Researching Companies

Building on the self-descriptors established in the first year, the second-year curriculum equips students with essential tools for their internship and job searches. They learn to craft impactful resumes, compelling cover letters, and engaging introduction videos. Additionally, students develop proficiency in interview techniques and gain insights into crucial elements of contract negotiation. The curriculum also emphasises professionalism in the workplace to prepare students for the transition from student life to professional environments.

201: Resume Strategy
202: Internship Training
203: Interview Skills
204: Contracts and Negotiation
205: Ethics and Professionalism

Informed by industry feedback, the electives offer students opportunities to refine their professional communication skills. The curriculum covers both written and oral communication, with a particular emphasis on effective public speaking and presentation skills in both small and large group settings. Students also revisit their career plans post-internship and acquire knowledge on reviewing and negotiating employment contracts to navigate the transition into professional roles seamlessly.

301 Portfolio Clinic
302 Mock Interview
303 Freelancer Contracts
304 Company Contracts
305 Workplace Etiquette
306 Relationship Building
307 Personal Effectiveness
308 Career Road Mapping
309 Mastering Presentations
310 Pitching Workshop
311 Mastering Email Writing
312 The First 90 Days
313 Financial Literacy
314 How to Start a Company

Before graduation, students have the opportunity to participate in optional professional bootcamps, requiring them to choose one of the three tracks: independent artist, freelancer, or company employee. These bootcamps provide hands-on training focusing on real-world skills essential for career success.

410 Individual Artist Track

  • 411 Grant Applications
  • 412 Project Management
  • 413 Marketing and Promotion
420 Freelancer Track
  • 421 Newcomer Strategy
  • 422 Client Management
  • 423 Small Business Management
430 Company Employee Track
  • 431 Entering a Company
  • 432 People Management
  • 433 Advanced Communications


Modes of assessment

Modules in the Career Curriculum will not be assessed. Students will be given completed based on attendance.


Level 1: Building your brand

It is essential for students to take these workshops in the prescribed order in Level 1 to ensure a structured and progressive development of their career skills, building upon foundational knowledge and competencies before advancing to more specialised topics and challenges.

In this workshop, students delve into the foundational principles of personal branding pioneered by experts like Tom Peters. They explore the intersection of self-awareness and career development, crafting personal brand statements that resonate across various professional platforms. Through theoretical insights and practical exercises, students learn to articulate their unique value propositions, aligning them with career aspirations and industry expectations.

Learning outcomes
At the end of the workshop, you will be able to:

  • Recognise personal values, interests, personalities, and skills through self-reflection.
  • Construct a key word list to develop a personal brand across various professional platforms.
  • Analyse career ambitions and goals to align with personal brand development.
  • Implement strategies to establish and promote a personal brand on LinkedIn, integrating insights from the hiring process.
  • Evaluate and adapt a growth mindset to navigate the challenges of career development.

Rooted in the pioneering work of psychologist Carol Dweck, the Growth Mindset workshop equips students with a transformative perspective on career development. Students embrace the belief that abilities and talents can be developed through dedication and hard work. Through case studies and reflective practices, students cultivate resilience and adaptability, essential traits for navigating the dynamic landscape of professional growth.

Learning outcomes
At the end of the workshop, you will be able to:

  • Define the hiring process and identify key stakeholders involved.
  • Discuss the significance of attitude and mindset in career advancement.
  • Develop strategies for lifelong learning to stay relevant in evolving industries.
  • Apply principles of resilience and adaptability to overcome professional obstacles.
  • Integrate a growth mindset into daily practices to foster continuous personal and professional growth.

Building upon foundational introspection, the Career Planning workshop empowers students to chart meaningful trajectories in their professional journeys. Drawing on theories of career development by Donald Super and John Holland, students refine their short-term and long-term goals, leveraging internships and mentorships as catalysts for growth. Practical exercises and real-world scenarios enable students to synthesise personal aspirations with market realities, fostering informed decision-making.

Learning outcomes
At the end of the workshop, you will be able to:

  • Assess internship experiences to refine career plans and objectives.
  • Revise target employer lists based on career aspirations and industry trends.
  • Construct career maps outlining short-term and long-term professional goals.
  • Evaluate the impact of reputation on career choices and professional trajectories.
  • Strategise proactive steps to navigate career transitions and capitalise on growth opportunities.

In an increasingly interconnected world, the LinkedIn Workshop introduces students to the power of digital networking and personal branding. Students explore the evolution of LinkedIn as a professional platform, studying best practices for profile optimisation and content curation. Through hands-on tutorials and peer feedback sessions, students harness the platform's features to expand their professional networks, showcase their achievements, and engage with industry insights.

Learning outcomes
At the end of the workshop, you will be able to:

  • Create a professional LinkedIn profile showcasing a consistent personal brand message.
  • Curate portfolios and relevant work experiences effectively on the LinkedIn platform.
  • Develop content creation strategies and frequency for impactful LinkedIn engagement.
  • Differentiate between LinkedIn and other social media platforms for professional networking purposes.
  • Utilise LinkedIn contacts and recommendations to enhance job search strategies and expand professional networks.

In the Researching Companies workshop, students embark on a journey of discovery, uncovering the nuances of organisational culture and industry dynamics. Drawing inspiration from strategic management frameworks, students learn to decipher corporate narratives embedded in annual reports, press releases, and online platforms. By analysing case studies and conducting market research, students acquire the skills to identify alignment between personal values and organisational ethos, laying the groundwork for informed career decisions.

Learning outcomes
At the end of the workshop, you will be able to:

  • Utilise corporate websites to identify key descriptors and statements reflecting organisational culture.
  • Extract and interpret information from annual reports to understand company performance and strategic directions.
  • Analyse press statements to gauge organisational strategies and industry insights.
  • Utilise advanced search techniques on LinkedIn to identify key contacts and decision-makers within desired companies.
  • Evaluate alignment between personal values and organisational culture for informed career decisions and organisational fit.

Level 2: Career readiness

It is essential for students to take these workshops in the prescribed order in Level 2 to ensure a structured and progressive development of their career skills, building upon foundational knowledge and competencies before advancing to more specialised topics and challenges.

The Resume Strategy workshop equips students with the art of crafting compelling narratives that resonate with prospective employers. Drawing inspiration from branding theories and resume design principles, students learn to showcase their professional journeys through tailored resumes and cover letters. With guidance from industry experts, students master the art of storytelling, strategically aligning experiences and aspirations to create impactful career documents that open doors to opportunities.

Learning outcomes
At the end of the workshop, you will be able to:

  • Develop a comprehensive resume highlighting experiences, skills, and career goals utilising techniques learned in prior modules.
  • Analyse experiences to determine their maximum impact and relevance for inclusion in the resume.
  • Customise the resume to align with specific job opportunities and industry requirements.
  • Craft a compelling cover letter tailored to target positions.
  • Produce an introductory video that reinforces personal brand messaging and enhances the resume package.

As students transition from academia to the professional realm, the Internship Training workshop serves as a bridge between theory and practice. Informed by organisational behaviour theories and experiential learning models, students immerse themselves in the dynamics of workplace culture and professional conduct. Through interactive simulations and case studies, students navigate the intricacies of internships, honing essential skills in communication, collaboration, and problem-solving, setting the stage for successful career transitions.

Learning outcomes
At the end of the workshop, you will be able to:

  • Compile a targeted list of companies offering potential internship opportunities.
  • Develop an integrated approach for applying to internships, incorporating insights from previous modules.
  • Recognise the significance of interns within organisational structures and the value companies place on internship programs.
  • Implement strategies to transition internships into full-time job offers.
  • Analyse the potential benefits and drawbacks of different internship opportunities for long-term career goals.

The Interview Skills workshop empowers students to navigate the high-stakes terrain of job interviews with confidence and competence. Drawing insights from communication theories and psychological frameworks, students decode the nuances of verbal and nonverbal communication, mastering the art of self-presentation and rapport-building. Through mock interviews and peer feedback sessions, students refine their interview techniques, leveraging personal branding and storytelling to leave lasting impressions on prospective employers.

Learning outcomes
At the end of the workshop, you will be able to:

  • Identify the objectives and stages of a job interview.
  • Prepare thoroughly for an interview, including researching the company and anticipating questions.
  • Recognise key stakeholders involved in the interview process and tailor responses strategically.
  • Utilise personal branding elements effectively during interviews to communicate strengths and qualifications.
  • Demonstrate appropriate interview etiquette, including attire and follow-up procedures.

In the Contracts & Negotiation workshop, students embark on a journey of legal literacy and strategic bargaining. Rooted in contract law principles and negotiation theories, students decode the language of employment agreements, discerning rights, obligations, and potential pitfalls. Through case analyses and negotiation simulations, students develop negotiation acumen, advocating for their interests while fostering collaborative partnerships with employers. Armed with insights from industry experts, students navigate the complexities of contract negotiations with poise and professionalism.

Learning outcomes
At the end of the workshop, you will be able to:

  • Identify essential components of legally valid employment contracts.
  • Understand the rights and responsibilities of employees within contractual agreements.
  • Evaluate negotiable terms in employment contracts and employ negotiation tactics effectively.
  • Recognise red flags and potential areas of dispute in employment contracts.
  • Demonstrate basic knowledge of dispute resolution mechanisms and relevant government bodies.

Grounded in ethical theories and professional standards, the Ethics & Professionalism workshop cultivates students' moral compass and professional integrity. Drawing on case studies and real-world scenarios, students explore the ethical dilemmas inherent in contemporary workplaces, navigating issues of confidentiality, integrity, and social responsibility. Through interactive discussions and role-playing exercises, students develop the ethical reasoning and interpersonal skills necessary to thrive in diverse organisational contexts, upholding principles of fairness, respect, and accountability.

Learning outcomes
At the end of the workshop, you will be able to:

  • Analyse workplace ethics and their implications for personal conduct and professional relationships.
  • Employ effective strategies for giving and receiving feedback in a professional manner.
  • Manage time effectively to meet deadlines and fulfil commitments.
  • Adhere to established dress codes and communication protocols in various workplace scenarios.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in communicating with supervisors and colleagues, including professional exit strategies when leaving a company.

Level 3: Professional practices (electives)

The Portfolio Clinic elective offers students personalised guidance in crafting compelling portfolios that showcase their talents and accomplishments. Drawing on principles of visual storytelling and design thinking, students learn to curate and present their work in ways that resonate with target audiences and industry standards. Through portfolio reviews and feedback sessions, students refine their presentation skills and develop cohesive narratives that highlight their unique strengths and creative vision.

The Mock Interview elective provides students with immersive experiences in simulated job interview settings. Led by seasoned career coaches and industry professionals, students undergo rigorous interview simulations tailored to their career aspirations and industry preferences. Through constructive feedback and post-interview debriefs, students refine their interview techniques, build confidence, and gain valuable insights into employer expectations and hiring processes.

The Freelancer Contracts elective equips students with the legal knowledge and negotiation skills necessary to thrive in freelance careers. Through case studies and contract drafting exercises, students learn to navigate legal frameworks, negotiate terms, and protect their rights as independent contractors. With guidance from legal experts and industry practitioners, students gain practical insights into contract law, intellectual property rights, and dispute resolution mechanisms relevant to freelance engagements.

The Company Contracts elective provides students with a comprehensive understanding of contractual agreements and business negotiations within corporate settings. Drawing on real-world case studies and industry examples, students explore the intricacies of contract drafting, interpretation, and enforcement in organisational contexts. Through interactive workshops and negotiation simulations, students develop the strategic thinking and communication skills necessary to negotiate favourable terms and mitigate legal risks in commercial transactions.

The Workplace Etiquette elective offers students essential insights into professional conduct and workplace norms. Through interactive discussions and role-playing exercises, students learn to navigate diverse workplace cultures, communicate effectively with colleagues and superiors, and uphold standards of professionalism and respect. With practical tips and etiquette guidelines, students develop the interpersonal skills and cultural awareness needed to thrive in dynamic organisational environments.

The Relationship Building elective empowers students to cultivate meaningful professional connections and networks. Drawing on principles of networking and relationship management, students learn to build rapport, establish trust, and leverage interpersonal relationships for career advancement and opportunities. Through networking events, informational interviews, and mentorship programs, students develop the confidence and networking strategies necessary to expand their professional circles and tap into hidden job markets.

The Personal Effectiveness elective equips students with strategies for personal growth and self-improvement. Through self-assessment tools and goal-setting exercises, students identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for development in both professional and personal domains. With guidance from life coaches and productivity experts, students learn to optimise their time, manage stress, and cultivate habits that promote resilience and well-being in pursuit of their career goals.

The Career Road Mapping elective offers students a structured approach to long-term career planning and goal setting. Through visioning exercises and strategic planning frameworks, students clarify their career aspirations, identify potential pathways, and set actionable goals for professional development and advancement. With guidance from career counsellors and industry mentors, students create personalised roadmaps that align with their values, interests, and aspirations, empowering them to navigate the complexities of career decision-making with clarity and confidence.

The Mastering Presentations elective equips students with the skills and techniques to deliver impactful presentations with confidence and clarity. Through practical exercises and public speaking workshops, students learn to craft compelling narratives, engage diverse audiences, and leverage visual aids effectively. With feedback from communication experts and peers, students refine their presentation delivery, overcome stage fright, and develop a commanding presence that captivates and inspires.

The Pitching Workshop elective offers students hands-on experience in crafting and delivering persuasive pitches and business proposals. Drawing on principles of persuasive communication and storytelling, students learn to articulate their ideas, communicate value propositions, and address stakeholder concerns effectively. Through pitch competitions and feedback sessions, students refine their pitching skills, hone their persuasive techniques, and develop compelling narratives that resonate with investors, clients, and decision-makers.

The Mastering Email Writing elective provides students with essential strategies for crafting clear, concise, and professional emails. Through practical exercises and email etiquette guidelines, students learn to structure messages effectively, convey messages with clarity and professionalism, and adapt tone and style to suit diverse audiences and contexts. With feedback from writing coaches and industry professionals, students refine their email writing skills, enhance communication effectiveness, and project a professional image in their written correspondence.

The First 90 Days elective offers students practical insights and strategies for navigating the critical initial phase of a new job or career transition. Drawing on best practices and success stories, students learn to set goals, build relationships, and establish credibility in new organisational environments. Through case studies and role-playing exercises, students develop action plans, anticipate challenges, and make a positive impact from day one, setting the foundation for long-term success and career advancement.

The Financial Literacy elective empowers students with essential knowledge and skills for managing personal finances and making informed financial decisions. Through interactive workshops and practical exercises, students learn to budget effectively, save and invest wisely, and navigate financial challenges with confidence. With guidance from financial experts and resources, students develop financial literacy, build wealth, and achieve financial independence in pursuit of their career and life goals.

The How to Start a Company elective provides students with a comprehensive overview of entrepreneurship and business start-up essentials. Through case studies and interactive workshops, students explore the entrepreneurial process, from idea generation and market research to business planning and launch. With guidance from successful entrepreneurs and industry mentors, students develop business acumen, identify opportunities, and gain practical insights.

Level 4: Bootcamps (optional)

The Individual Artist Track bootcamp offers students specialised training in pursuing careers as independent artists. Guided by industry veterans and seasoned practitioners, students delve into the intricacies of artistic entrepreneurship, exploring topics such as grant applications, project management, and self-promotion strategies. Through hands-on workshops and portfolio reviews, students develop the skills and resilience needed to thrive in the competitive landscape of the creative industries.

Workshops covered include the following:

  • 411 Grant Applications
  • 412 Project Management
  • 413 Marketing and Promotion

The Freelancer Track bootcamp equips students with the tools and insights to succeed as freelance professionals in today's gig economy. Drawing on industry best practices and freelancing platforms, students learn to navigate client relationships, manage projects effectively, and cultivate personal brands that resonate with target audiences. With guidance from experienced freelancers, students develop actionable strategies for client acquisition, pricing models, and sustainable business practices.

Workshops covered include the following:

  • 421 Newcomer Strategy
  • 422 Client Management
  • 423 Small Business Management

The Company Employee Track bootcamp prepares students for the transition from academia to corporate environments, offering practical insights into organisational dynamics and professional development. Through interactive seminars and case studies, students explore topics such as corporate culture, people management, and effective communication strategies. Led by HR professionals and organisational leaders, students gain firsthand experience in navigating corporate hierarchies, fostering teamwork, and advancing their careers within established companies.

Workshops covered include the following:

  • 431 Entering a Company
  • 432 People Management
  • 433 Advanced Communications